🌟Lounge Sessions 🛋 on Discord
RVRB discord
RVRB 🛋 🍹 Lounge Sessions ☕ 🌟 (Electronic Tiki Cocktails)
🍕 Pizza & Beer 🍺 (Extra cheese of Duke Doop of D'loc)
◼️black and white◻️ (and more electronic colours)
Party Time! (I have a boyfriend!)
The Kitchen 厨房 (not only The Swedish Chef)
🤖☠️🤖Robotz (human like Isaak Asimov)
🎡 Theme Park 🎡 (queso family of freedom)
🍍𝔅ak𝔢𝖉👽₲σø𝖉ʂ🔥 (brown & friendly)
Land of Ooo (the Kingdom of Nice)
🏮 Cave Bazaar 🏮 (got the @Shaf Factor)
MUSEQUITA 🍭 (got rhythm, got music)
🍓The Third Punch🥝 (fruit salad)
🌶Latin 101🌶 (Rhythm is gonna get you)
Horizons (and vertically challenged)
Contours (only album plays)
Tentacles (feeling The Duck inside you)
Apartment3 (somewhere in Gotham City)
Sanctuary (that @Inner feeling)
🥭 The Mango Room (soft-hard core, but no Avocado)
🕰️Sessions🕰️ (White Rabbit is counting down the clock)
Have Ideas for RVRB? Go here
Ducksbergs Beginner Guide To RVRB
Channel RVRB on Discord
RVRB last.fm > https://www.last.fm/user/RVRB_One
RVRB on Reddit
Patreon for RVRB give a litttle money $ £ € to the Community Servers
Some links:
https://vibify.net/ (Plalistfinder for songs/artits or other on Spotify)
https://lastify.space/ (make PL from last.fm users)
Spotify slow on you Desktop PC/Mac? Try this fix
Billys Collection of helpful links
Zips Collection of helpful links
Everynoise Playlist of ALL genres
and the list of it in text
last.fm API ready:
Available commands are:
addusergreeting, ai, album, alias, aliases, allin, artist, bandcamp, best, boof, bookmark, casino, cat, channelfirst, channellast, channelpopular, channelspins, channelstats, choose, coffee, coinflip, compliment, corporatebs, craps, dadjoke, dalle, deletealias, deleteusergreeting, dice, dog, down, fact, first, fortune, fox, geekjoke, genre, giphy, hay, hype, inspire, last, leaderboard, lyrics, magic8ball, meme, meowfact, metallum, mock, mycasino, mypopular, myspins, mystats, no, relink, ro, rps, sendtodiscord, slots, thedonald, translate, trbmb, up, urban, w, weather, weather, whisper, wut, yt, zen
For the pics:
Symbols text
Editor: https://imageonline.co/
Team-Up On RVRB:
Ducksberg Calender of Team-ups
Spotify search term example: label:"Stones Throw" (works only in browser)
For the cocktails:
Get the flac/mp3:
R2OS Music
Having Trouble Logging Into RVRB?
- Check that your Spotify is Connected to RVRB
- Check Audio, both on RVRB and Spotify
- Click the connect button by the track
- Log out and log back in
Lounge on TT.live
Lounge Sessions on Turntable.fm
TT-live discord
Some Rooms: full list: https://tt.live/community/jqbx
- Pizza & Beer: https://tt.live/da/rock
- Chill but lit: https://tt.live/da/cbl
- :BoX: https://tt.live/da/thebox
- 2nd punch: https://tt.live/da/the-second-punch
- Guerrilla - Radio: https://tt.live/da/guerrilla-radio
- The Kitchen: https://tt.live/da/kitchen
- Indie Folk Radio: https://tt.live/da/ifr
- Indie ETC. : https://tt.live/da/indie-etc
- Lounge Sessions: https://tt.live/da/loungesessions
- Indieheads: https://tt.live/da/indieheads
- What Else Is There?: https://tt.live/da/what-else-is-there
- The Mixtape: https://tt.live/da/the-mixtape
- Theme-Park: https://tt.live/da/theme-park
- ChillVibes: https://tt.live/da/chillvibes
- Anything & Everything: https://tt.live/da/anyevery
- Core: https://tt.live/da/core
- IWYM: https://tt.live/da/indie-while-you-murder
- Underjorden: https://tt.live/da/underjorden-4909
- TrueEDM: https://tt.live/da/trueedm
- Unknown Pleasures: https://tt.live/da/unknown-pleasures-9569
- Puppy Lounge: https://tt.live/da/puppy-lounge-4960
- B-100: https://tt.live/da/b100-1213
- Musequita: https://tt.live/da/musequita-3276
- The Globe: https://tt.live/da/the-globe-2048
- Revolver: https://tt.live/da/revolver
- The Garage: https://beta.tt.fm/da/thegarage
- Horizons https://tt.live/da/horizons-5512
- Cave Bazaar - https://tt.live/da/cave-bazaar
- Latin101 - https://tt.live/da/latin101
- Sanctuary https://tt.live/da/sanctuary
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