R2OS – House on the hill April 2005 ©
Show me around
in the house on the hill
until I'm fixed in a dream
House of love
is this all, is this it
I fell asleep fell asleep
Calling for love or
Clutching at straws
I made my house out of bricks
3) I lock the gate
I bolt the door
To keep you out
I stay inside,
Inside and out
Inside out
I am nothing
I want you to
be here
I fell asleep
in the past
5) Show me around
in your life and your love
pass me a moment of you
6) What to expect
and what's coming next
this house is a
room without view
Calling for love or
what is life for
if this day is just like the rest?
7) An open door
I walk right in
Made it of straw
Let life begin again
begin again